
Conveyor Weighing Systems

A checkweigher weighs every product in motion. It classifies, counts and rejects products that are off spec, which helps you meet throughput and legal requirements with reliable weight control. Delivering consistent quality products is essential to protect your brand and your bottom line. That means knowing that the weight of a packaged product being shipped out the door matches the weight on the label. No one wants to open a package that is only half filled or even empty.

Conveyor based weighing systems or on-line check weighing systems as it is known are used for faster and better efficiency check weighing. Conveyors use minimum man power and have a high-speed correction rate, as they check weigh with precision both weighment and counting, batching also online printing and labeling of cartons.

Check weighing operations are the most common in the food, cosmetic, bulk products, stationary, especially the FG final packing industry where there are a number of products that are produced which have to be cartonated, drum filled, bottled etc.

Integrated Conveyors has a simple solution for check weighing of the products online for finding out the exact weights and online data acquisition applications.

Conveyor Weighing Systems
Conveyor Weighing Systems
Conveyor Weighing Systems
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